What We Do & Contact Info

The CEMS counseling department is comprised of two school counselors and two school social workers. The school counselors are Kim Sturgeon (7th & 8th) and Stephanie Royal (5th & 6th).  The school social workers are Sarah Hanson and Louise Lynch who work with students in all grades. Louise works primarily with special education students who have social work services as part of their IEPs.  Sarah Hanson also supports small groups of students on building executive functioning skills as well as pushing into the classroom to deliver executive functioning based lessons. Aa a whole, the counseling department offers a myriad of services including classroom lessons, small lunch groups and individual counseling.  

Classroom lessons focus on relational skills as well as mental health self-care. Counselors and social workers deliver the lessons as well as invite outside agencies in to the school such as Sexual Assault Response Prevention Services of Southern Maine, Boys to Men, Hardy Girls Healthy Women and Young Adult Abuse Prevention Program to share their expertise.

School counselors facilitate lunch groups as needed. Individual students, parents and teachers can make a referral for a lunch group. We will do our best to include as many students as possible during the school year.  We also all meet with individuals on an as-needed and/or regular basis to ensure each student's experience at CEMS is positive. Furthermore, we are able to recommend resources in the community, which may benefit a family in a time of need. 

Finally, we help facilitate transition for 4th graders to the middle school and 8th graders leaving us to start at the high school as well as grade to grade. Parents are invited to contact the Counseling Department with any academic concerns (i.e. scheduling, standardized testing, private school applications) or any questions about their child's progress and well-being.

Please feel free to email us at:



